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Last Update: 06.05.24

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mal etwas ganz besonderes.
27.08.2019 - 18:14
Die meisten kennen es schon, wer nicht, lesen, handeln und....
Portrait lotterie!

Take the chance to win a custom made oil painting for your wall!
The lottery keeps tickets with nuber 1-100 and each ticket is 10 euro. You can buy as many tickets as you please.

In sweden I'm a semi professional artist, mostly I make portraits on comission like family members and pets. 
The thought with the lottery was partly for me to conect my two biggest interests- racing and painting!
Tere is only one winner and the price is an custom made oilpinting. THe winner will choose the motive, so if you have one or several photos from racing or the paddock take the chance to have them  immortalized as a painting for several lifetimes! 

Size of the painting is 50 x 60 centimeters and includes framing and shipping to the winner! 

You can contact me on facebook (Nadja Eleonora Milsten and Milsten Art) and e-mail nadja.milsten@gmail.com
I try to update the free ticket numbers in my facebook post

Tickets can be bought by sending me an e-mail or message and you can pay with creditcard trough a link that I E-mail you, paypal account or you can buy in Tropyraces in Most and Oschersleben.
Team Sweden #69

It would be great to announce the winner at the Trophy pricing ceremony on sunday in Oschersleben.  

People that are curious at my paintinng style are welcome to wisit my website www.milstenart.blog and I also have facebook and instagram accounts Milsten art.

Thank you for you help! 
See you in Most! 

Nadja Eleonora Milsten

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